Famous for its Sunday market - you need money, I hear, to get fish (7) _A_H_A_ Why Baghdad ? Endless surf is on its coastline (4) _M_N Why Oman ? Scotch hag mingled with beauties (5,6) _I_G_ B_A_H_ an...
Really bafflied by this one - Is there a wide waist on this American dame (5 letters) cryptic I think ?r?a? Thanking you, and good luck to everyone doing their Crosswords today
I have been told (hospital) that my cholestrol was very raised at a level of 7 is this good or bad. I do intent seeing my GP in 3 wks but would just like to know what to expect Good health to everyone
A very embarrassing question and one which has made me realise that I really am not the teeny bopping clubber I thought I would never grow out of.....so help me if you can, forgive me ifyou can't. I...
There seems to be a difference in the clues and the answer grid in some of the puzzles. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me? Also, even the 'Just for Fun' puzzles are weird...the guess the...
I had this site up until today when I had to close my computer down and go back to factory settings,does anyone know please which website this is on.Thankyou in advance.
I'm relatively new to the AnswerBank and have only posted two questions but each time I was asked to scroll down to see if the question had already been asked. So how come the same questions appear...