Can't seem to get started this morning on this one, HELP please. 01d Items used to replace failed components (5,5) sorry no letters 06d Geographical band (4) ?o?e. 19d Tactical chess move (6) sorry no...
Happy New Year to everyone and thank you for all your Help. I cannot get started on this crossword. 01a Preplexed (7) b?????? 02d Thirty-nine inches (5) ????e 03d One quick to learn (7) Thanking you...
Help, please.
25a Crucial (7) ???o?a?
17d Posse, entourage, fellowship (7) ?o?e???
Thanking you.
Thought about pivotal for 25a which would make 17d ?o?e?i?...
My uncle has been given fluoxetine 20mg by his doctor, and now is suffering from panic attacks, (its a very busy practice) it is hard to get speaking to a doctor to ask if he should stop them....