There are 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be classified, with most of them being insects and germs. There are no known species of flying Reindeer, except of course those owned by Santa...
Ok - so every year people say its not christmas until they have seen Its a wonderful life on TV. I have NEVER seen this film, and every year I trawl through the TV listings and never find it. So this...
With only 31 sleeps to go have you all done your christmas shopping? Mine is all done and i'm now trying to resist buying 'extra' stuff! I love wrapping it though(not got much of a life!)
i woke up this morning, and felt all xmassy im putting my decorations up this weekend whilst listening to my xmas cd, anyone else feel xmassy?? oh yeah it also smelt like xmas this morning lolx
ok what xmas tree decorations does everyone have , do u stick to to the same ones every year or change them to match the trends or just for a change! do u prefer traditional or the more modern ?
Does anybody else buy themselves little gifts before Christmas? I seem to do it every year and it's not even a conscious thing! I think the shop windows just look so fantastic that I have to buy...
Xmas is such a prestentious holiday. Its just another day off work and a real headache, buying presents. Xmas is only enjoyable for kids, young children and those who have children. It is soo hyped up...
Sorry if this has been done recently (couldn't find a thread about it though) I've seen the Worst Xmas Songs thread, so what is your favourite? Either Carol or Song or whatever......