The tune for the current OC advert on e4 , it has the word 'California' in it but its not the theme tune, it's really up beat and I'm pretty sure it's no 'riot radio'- the dead sixties Help me
For my exam I need to compare two artists from different periods/ movements that worked in one or more of the feilds of Portraiture/ figure composition / Still Life / Natural Environment / Built...
Does any one know what tv channel the oscars are going to be shown on in the UK , probably about 3 in the morning of 6th March. Will it be like last year and just on sky movies or, preferably back on...
what is the song starting up during the channel 4 advert for 'Grodon Ramsey's The F Word'. It cuts off just after the first line,'Nothing to say....'. I know the song I jst can't think of the title or...