All done I have the poem and can see the unclueds as prefixes but I can't find the word I'm looking for. I wanted it to be 41ac but I have 'shire' for that. What's gone wrong?
I have the grid - the block to move. I cannot find the inventor despite heavy searching. I cannot get it from the wordplay provided. I have tried searching for what I think the title of the... ...
Another reasonably straightforward puzzle - I thought 43a was well hidden. However I can't quite work out the wordplay in 25d The heart of holy Adriatic port (4) It can only be 'Bari' but why...
A nice, gentle offering from Fire this week; but I'm struggling to parse the wordplay in 24a: Returning to minister's house, discovered cat hiding in furniture (8) 'Ottomans' fits but can someone... ...
First of all Happy New Year! For 79 across:Heartlessy cheat Caledonian exchange,the missing letter is an o and I think the answer in the grid must be tick,but I can't make a five letter word out of... ...
8a putin is so reactionary some back out 7,starts r 9a pole with fiddle meeting leading osteopath 7,starts r 11a seen out with copper 6,starts N 13agovernment PA dropped independent 4,starts... ...
15d irish centre perhaps strips - I think have the word defined by last word of clue, but don't understand 'irish centre perhaps' - 1st 2 letters are in irish but...
Last two hopefully! The clues are wordplay only. (definitions are elsewhere) 25a Creature taken for a ride outside, only needing to have one central bit C?N?O?T?D (concocted, contorted, consorted??,... ...
1A "Massive motor’s stuff in an objective way I take" (6) I think the answer is HUMMER (but I don't understand the wordplay - can anyone explain please?
A dour struggle today. I'm afraid Mr. Grimshaw and are not on the same page. New setter? Normally I can knock this off in half an hour or so but not today! Am I being particularly dense or are... ...
have now completed grid but no ikdea where to start fot the 2 pairs of clued answers-if anyone could give me their numbers eg 1a etc i'd be very gratefuland work out the last bit.isit me or is... ...
This is a Carte Blanche crossword where you also have to enter the bars. You do not know where the clues fit or the number of letters. I have solved all the clues apart from two and placed all the...
I think these are my last two. Each clue has a superfluous letter 15d Funeral ode that is driven by decreased turning up under extreme pressure (7) The answer is EPICEDE (a funeral ode), I can see...
2d Graze by the sound of it in northern pastures (4) RAI? raik is a northern pasture? but graze?...and the clue says pastureS ?? 35a Title of distinguished Japanese book, short one (4) SAM? Samuel for...
Can I check if I’ve got these two correct to finish -
Young salmon, light brown, feature of Mull seafood restaurant? - PARTAN
Bomber attack sounded clearly under power - PRANG