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1581 to 1600 of 1994

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Does anyone take any vitamin tablets to ward off colds and flu? I started taking Vitamin C tablets several months ago, but they haven't stopped me from getting the sniffles. [:o(
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1a thurber mans funny about a latin expression w?l?e? m?t?y
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I enjoy all foods and would be willing to try most foods, whats your definition of Plain Food, you often hear people say " I just like good old plain food" What is it!!
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Childbirth for a woman or a kick in the balls for a man,I say a kick in the balls, because a women would want another child but a man wouldn't want another kick in the balls.
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16 down evil spirit in semitic mythology 8 letters - s - o - e - s
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19d) penny to see men working some land d-t-s-- 27a) appear to city having catholic crisis d---g-n-d
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if personal protection for savings is now 50k how does this affect you being a director of a ltd company, do you have a seperate protection on your business?
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as nothing to do with this thread so .......... JJ sara & daniela take your smut elsewhere! anyway the rest of you lovely people what are you having for tea tonight?
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phase of the moon or a planet when only half of its disc is visible d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sheet of canvas or other material stretched on a frame and used to provide shelter along shop-fronts etc. _ _ N _...
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35 across - Boraginaceous plant genus to which the forget-me-not belongs please. -y-s-t-s. Also, does any one know whether or not it's okay to make alterations on the crossword, either 'messy' ones,...
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I have been seeing this guy for over a year. It's only on and off i see him. Maybe once a month or more I go round to his flat, we have drinks, watch a dvd, although recently we have started going out...
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The 16th century, especially in reference to Italian art, architecture and literature. 11 letters - ??N??E??N?O
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23a any of various brightly coloured tropical fish of the family characidae 5 letter t???? 24D dramatist of ancient greece credited with the introduction of the actor in addition to a chorus known as...
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hi stck on the last few. can anyone please help. 11 across reclusive like a christian hermit (10) 7 down headgear worn by nuns (6) 35 down patterned cotton fabric(5) 27 down meat producing soth...
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Is simon cowell a medium? Or is he maybe able too contact spirits? Possibly like a spiritualist. Its just when the dad with the baby and the dead wife , yes a certainty that the blue rinse brigade and...
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Filled with love or leters
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In A Pickle
Does anyone else think the above person is actually American? He(?) recently used the word "butt" which is American for arse,and is not much(I think) used over here. Any thoughts?
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Sorry, everyone. I forgot to ask you all over. Fancy one ? J x
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I have Mcafee anti virus, spybot, spyguard, and ccleaner, everythin i can have for my comp to be ok hopefully... its wen i switch it on , it takes ages to let me do anything, access start menu,...
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river in hades prompting forgetfulness? 5 letters thought it was lethe but this doesn't fit with hari krishna 21a thanks

1581 to 1600 of 1994

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