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I bought 240 euros at the PO today (not pre-ordered) and drew a breath when he told me the rate, I've come home and checked online and can't find anyone giving such a low rate - £1 to 1.08 euros....
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A colleague may have a blurred memory but is trying to remember the name of the following girl group; 60s era All white, probably from Liverpool Sang and danced regularly on Ready-Steady-Go Thinks...
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What do you need and how does one go about recording oneself talking/singing into an MP3 format and be then able to e-mail that recording please...
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The freestyle dressage was just finishing when I got home from work. With all the myriad of channels which one is going to show it? i'm enduring badminton at the moment, only shows about 2 minutes on...
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My OH got Reactolite prescription glasses which he uses just for driving and keeps permanently in the car. It became obvious that they never tinted down even in direct sunlight so he took them back to...
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Ch 5 now, if you're bored this is a really entertaining programme looking back at the 90s - Tony Blair when he was young and sane, Gazza crying etc
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OK so 2 weeks on holiday using my Hudl tablet rather than usual laptop and mouse and it's driven me mad. How do some of you manage with just a tablet? Can't do links, can't do copy and paste,...
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I have an AB technical question that I'm doubting anyone can explain but there's always hope. As a result of the cat on numerous occasions over the last year or so her paws on laptop have sent AB back...
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Commenting on my cat's weight last night the vet told me one Dreamie was the equivalent to me eating 3 doughnuts! can you believe that?
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I have bought 3 blank artist canvasses - basically thin canvas stapled to a wooden frame. With each canvas came 8 small rectangles of balsa type wood cut to a point at one end. I have absolutely no...
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I've noticed a large number of honey bees hovering around and going in a nest box last couple of weeks. It's on a wall at the back of the garden. I'm not scared of bees but should I worry about it?...
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Does anyone know a way of watching the match live or highlights if you don't have Sky Sports please?
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Spoiler if you haven't watched tonight's so click off... I never ever watch this but have just caught the last 5 minutes. Who has died that has so many staff standing round and crying? Must be a big...
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When posters put a tinypic up on here then really often I can open it the first time but after that if I try to open the link again then the picture isn't there, just a white space, although the 4...
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Can someone please explain to me in very simple terms what the numbers mean on various binocular descriptions? I'm getting 10x25 8x21 20x22 etc...
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I'm very thrilled to have 3 wild foxgloves come up in my garden this year - all next to each other in a North facing bed. My question is how did they get there? I've never grown them and the nearest...
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Well the House Martins arrived by me last Friday but no Swallows yet, they seem to get later and later. How about in your area (I'm Dorset)?
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Is anyone else seeing the sunset, it's like the sky's on fire. Breathtaking.

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