I want to unitsall and reinstall my Office 2016 on my Windows 10 desktop. I get a message - 'Something went wrong' and giving me a 'Go online for help' link which doesn't work anymore. Any ideas... ...
I have a BT7610 Trio cordless phone to which I added two additional (BT2000) handsets. I would now like to replace these additional handsets with new BT7610 handsets. However, when I try to... ...
I have just become an Accredited Lecturer for The Arts Society. I need to aquire a portable sound system that will fill the average size lecture venue - say three hundred people, that I can link to... ...
Just wondering what people think is the absolute best note taking & note keeping app? (NOT Google Keep) For writing. I want something that syncs easily between PC & Android. That has a desktop app,... ...
I was a little premature in advising Chris that his advised fix has worked. However, a System Restart has solved the problem. The only problem I have now is, Chris's fix means that Microsoft have... ...
I sometimes think back to my 20's and how short sighted I was and I suppose internally arrogant/assuming eg that id always have my physical fitness etc. I took things more at face value and... ...
Can you get headphones that have an MP3 player in them? So you can listen to music/ podcasts without having them 'attached' to another device? Also anyone got solar powered headphones and can you... ...
My woman's PC has been getting slow, delays and suchlike. Looking at it I saw the system drive was getting quite full (%wise anyway) and we've opted to buy a larger SSD to replace it. But I... ...
Just a quickie, I'm moving from a full fibre area to the old copper/fibre situation. Too stressed to think about it in detail, been hit with a section 21. Providers in the area are BT and Virgin.... ...
I'm getting old and forgetful and this is probably a stupid question but where would I transfer the photos I have on my computer (2805 in total) so I could view them on my TV.. USB, DVD, CD... ...
My grandparents left behind some money before they passed. Sometimes when I feel down, I'll drop large amounts of money on useless crap. For example, my mom just told me that she wasn't feeling... ...
Im an elderly lady with painful sciatica. I've tried various painkillers but I get too many side effects. I wear support stockings, use a TENS machine and try to walk every day. How do others... ...
when you click properties on a folder in windows explorer, it gives you options to change the icon for that folder. theres over a 100 option in that window is there a way to add more icons to that... ...
My mother has got a payment of £99 on her bank statement going out to SKYMC. She has supposedly paid this on her debit card. She can't remember doing this. She doesn't have Sky TV, Broadband or... ...
Had a l-o-n-g appointment at Audiology last week where they gave me hearing aids for tinnitus relief, & a relaxation sound box for night (which is absolutely no use at all, it actually stresses me... ...
Is there any more helpful numbers, sites or phrases that can help people in need, i.e. Ask for Angela, Call 159, Ask Henry, etc.? I would love to know as I am compiling a list for a staff website.... ...
I am trying to find out what type of plane this is. There is no indication of who produced the postcard, it may have just been a local photographer. I have tried googling for information that will... ...