A kids animated tv show frm the 70s or early 80 where a millenium falcon style spaceship rose frm a volcano. Its not battle of the planets or ulyses 31
What movie features a man & woman who hold up a pawn shop with a shotgun, stealing a pair of earrimgs & a necklace & where they knock a female customer to the floor & the woman with...
What is the name of that song that is about pirates and they shoot cannon balls across the deck and tie the prisoners to the mast? It is about twenty years old?
What was title of the christmas film, set in the fifties (possibly) where the kids called the dad 'The Daddar' and bloodhounds came in and messed up the house. Comedy film. And american too -
Im trying to find out the name of an educational tv programme I watched in school. It was about a group of children who were sent to live in the country during the war and they were investigating a...