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What exactly is zero point energy? It seems stupid that im basing this question off of something i heard recently in the incredibles and the game half-life 2, but there must be something in real life...
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If primeval sludge became monkeys, then monkeys became humans- WHAT ARE HUMANS GOING TO BECOME?!?
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how many times has hans moleman died in the show?
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Okay a difficult one for you. I understand that there was a big bang and that's how all the matter in the universe was created. However, where did the actual vaccum of 'space' come from in the...
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does anyone know where and how i can download the hamlet episode of the simpsons? it's title is "tales from the public domain", season 13, episode 14.
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What came first, the chicken or the egg?
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How does the sun function?  What are it's physical properties and what sustains it?
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Has anyone got any tips on saving and making money.
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Who is the Girl who gets a snowball in the face in the Posters for a Mobile Videophone? She looks very scrummy
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Can anyone think of a word that rhymes with purple? Other than burble.
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what word is spelled -a-a-a-a-a-a the - being a letter?
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 I remember watching a movie, either set in the future or involving time travel, where an advertisement for Rocky 25 (or some similar number) is seen in the background. Does anyone know which...

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