I could sing. 4 nights of sleeping through and had a fabulous wee date night with my dad at the Speedway. If you have Sky Sports it's on at 11.30 if you fancy a bit of Queenie spotting! I feel great...
In to Work one Diet Coke, triple shot cappuccino and 4 sugars later - much more awake now. What's everyone's plans today other than voting etc...will be doing that later when we get the car back from...
Done my online shop, remonstrated with Sky (don't ask) now dying for a shower but I keep having wee Dizzy Spells so sat on the couch with the Cat watching telly. Hope you are all having a relaxing...
and I'm due to be up early.
I think Saturday night is still playing on my mind even though I deeply want to forget it.
If you too cannot sleep come on over and say hello...
I just got up just under an hour ago. Made my way slowly up stairs and went to the bathroom. I decided I felt like I could eat something but that wasn't sure about executing my Father's Day plans....
Having a panic attack.
I'm trying desperately to get back to sleep but I can't stop the shaking. I'm shattered. I've tried to have my usual pep talk but not working tonight...
I went to make an appointment to see my GP said I wasn't in a hurry any time in the next week or so would be fine. We have 4 today. 4 TODAY!!!!! Seriously Trying to get an appointment is like trying...
to let you know that I am still ok. No panic attacks - each night I go to bed and before I do I give myself a stern talking to and it works! Off work this week, as had various appointments and I am...
I accidentally picked up one Daily Mail too many this morning and I have a spare set of numbers on the back page.
If you would like them please let me know and I'll post them up....
...since I was diagnosed as a Diabetic. It has just dawned on me how far I've come and how much things have changed. It still amazes me how everything was done then and how much of a faff it was to...
I made it to work, it's so quiet I could sleep. Weather is miserable here, so I'm going to fish out either my book or my colouring book and relax. Hope you all have a good afternoon Queenie xx...
another Panic Attack. This one is currently in progress, but it doesn't feel as bad, just want it to stop. I've got some music playing, sucking on a lolly ( I don't know why but I find it helps. I...
I am on this for Period Pain but my GP only gave me 14 which will see me through 2 periods. My late mum was on the 500mg tablets (I can't take them as they make me slightly loopy) but she has some...
It doesn't mention it on the 'side effects' but since beginning these on Monday due to finish tomorrow but I've been really off the past 2 days like I'll swing off the handle for no reason (it's not...
I went to get my MRI scan results yesterday and the bottom line is Phsyio won't solve this hip it is going to have to be Surgery if I deem it bad enough. Some days I could say yes it is bad enough...