We have an interest only home loan at 6.25% for 5 years for $312K and a 2nd for $57,000 at 8.0%. We would like to consolidate our loan into a 30 year fixed. We bought our house for $390K and it has...
AARGHH this feels so pathetic and nothing like this has ever bothered me before but there's a certain guy that I'm really good friends with, and I've been getting these really mixed feelings for him...
when i find someone who i like and likes me back i seem to be very out of order and horrible to him when he's trying to be nice. for example i met up with him in town and we were going for dinner he...
There's this boy I realy like but, I still don't know how he feels, we flirt alot but i'm not sure if it's just mucking around to him, or if he likes me to. How do I tell?
but when I pick up me air and wood guitar I just go to left handiness and trying to play it right handed is just not naturall to me. But all the best guitarists in the world are left handed ie...