This has suddenly appeared, Unauthorized access to internal API. Please refer to Can anyone help because everything I do, does not wok, thanks...
Can anyone please advise me on how to fix this infernal problem, which is happening too often. I have looked on U Tube and Mozilla's own help page, but nothing helps. Thank's in advance.
I recently got a new laptop, but i cannot sign in to skype, all i get is the white spinning circle. Has anyone got any ideas, Skype comminity is as good as useless! Thanks in advance.
Can anyone tell me please, how to disable, get rid of, this infernal gn in page in windows 8.1. I have tried looking on the web and U tube but nothing works. Thanks in adva
I have a new 9'' android tablet, and it refuses all my attempts after 3 days to connect to the internet, wi fi or otherwise. Anyone out there with any ideas, would much be appreciated.
I have a joint mortgage with my daughter, we added her name only so could i get it, but she pays no money to me at all, as she lives elsewhere. My question is, ''can i leave my house to my son in my...
I have the latest Skype, but it resists all my attempts to use my microphone. Ihave done all settings as told to by Skype, but to no avail. My microphone works with everything else, Google etc, so can...
I have a HP C4480 which is ok but all i get lately is the words '' iNCOMPATIBLE INK CARTRIDGE''. Whatever i try does not work. Can anyone help please....
I have just acquired a new tablet, but it refuses all my attempts to connect to the net. It also will not recognise an sd card. Can anyone help please, before it ends up in the dustbin. Thanks in...
DAILY MIRROR QUIZWORD CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH THE FOlLOWING CLUE, ''Hybrid of an Orange and a Tangerine, popular in Jamaica''? 9Letters, ?r?a?i?u? Thanks in advance