Help needed please. 1When it is very unlikely to happen(4,4,2,3,3)?h?t ?i?? ?? ?h? ???. Could it be anything other than that time of the day? Trying to get other things to fit into is proving...
6a indian prince (9) M????a??a 17a Accuse (president) (7) I?p???h 28a Wise man (4) S?r? 37a Most hectic (7) ?e??est 38a Waste metal (5) ???a? 75a Game of chance (4) K??o 172a Indulged hal heartedly...
68 Down - By Word of mouth (4,4) -i-a -o-e
115 Across - Contrived, constructed (10) ---i---r--
88 Down - Reduce (5,4) Shave ----
110 Across - Show of respect (6) ---a--...
Grid 2. 11d. Corner (7) -e-n-n- 4d. Improvement (6) ---t-t 5d. Reject (7) ---n-t- 7a. Carouse (5) no letters. RTE GUide 28. 13a. One way or the other it's a clanger (4) -o-b (tomb?) Many thanks . I.m...
Thanks guys for ans to 2 down as I thought 'pallidrome' but it does'nt fit in with 14 across which is 'largest continent and I would think Asia is the answer to that ..4 letters.
help please with 11across ' to tease is a good way to bring an end to business' (4,2) -i---p. ? also 2 down 'word or phrase that reads the same backwards as it does forwards' (10) 1a-----a--? thanks a...