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4 Shape 9 Turns over the soil 14 Type of dance 16 Heavy farm wagon 29 A desert train 30 There is a ? in the town Any help much appreciated, Thankyou....
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1 M vs A 2 B B T S 3 S & B thanks for any help...
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16d. making hay in spring (8,2)
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Rocket compartments ??P?U??? Israel's Northern neighbour ?????ON Turn aside A?E?? Rumpling ???A???E Short circuited ?R??D Thanks...
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I'm stuck on 102a Neclear Power station site (8). Any help appreciated. Thanks
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16a Sensitive (8) ?I?E?I?H 109a Disappointed (10) ?R?S?R?TED. Thanks again, brain dead today!
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answer contains name of plant or flower struggling with last ones 42.arnies poppy 10 45. a sound from inside ethiopia 5 46. huntsmans jacket 4 50. ww2 slang for us mp 8 54. hunters tie5 61.sneezys...
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12a) soft silvery-white element of the actinide series (7) T??R??M , is it thorium ?
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13 across endorsed 8 Letters - e - e - - - -
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14a) It has no big clientele(6) ?r???e 15d) gets over life's burdens(7) ??o?s?s
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99A Cuban Dance. I have ??N?A. Can't think tonight. Any help would be very much appreciated.
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Still quite a few to get this week, hope these will get me started: 11a. A result of smoking in bed? (5,2,5) no letters yet 3a. He puts a word in when required (8) 4th letter could be M 1d. They may...
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A kind of grape grown in South Africa (8) H_N_P_O_...
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Hi, Can anyone confirm that the answer to: It was pressing for the old man Iincluded, is exigent. I have, e - i - e - t Thank you....
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As every year we have done most of this quiz but are stuck on a few! Can anyone halp with the following please. Be assured that we have trawled our brains, books the internet and everything we can...
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Is AB editor asking for opinions about this? No-one seems to have answered so far.
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60d) embroidery(11) I have ne?d?e?o?n? I can only think of needlecraft or needlework
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He's busy at opening time! (7) - - P - T - Rejected a method that follows a certain pattern (8) C - S - A - - - Get in some gin! (6) E - - - - - - Thanks for any assistance...
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(24a) following (7) l?s?i?g thanks for any help
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Can anyone define for me cold, colder, hot and hotter? Thanks in advance....

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