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Headside of a coin (7) -----S- Full of Stamina (8) -----i-g - combat, grappling (4-2-4) -a-- -o -a-d Toasted (7) --O---D Overthin (9) --A---T-- Thanks in advance for any help xxx...
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2 d scottish law date set by court for hearing a case d?e? I have rung the DE regarding 26 d the lady on the switchboard said noone was available to help and that I should ring back after lunch. If I...
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I seem to have made mistakes!!39a Ipso ... by definition f-c-t 55a as well as 56d navigation device 62a increased so so many thanks...
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s??? foretell using crystal ball...
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Help needed again, thanks to all that have helped so far. I'm stuck on two - 7d TV presenter 8 & 5 8d Mentally bright 6 Thanks again...
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I have no letters for any of the clues. They are:- 6a Dispute a win, for example (7), 9a To love in excess (3) and 1d Makes a voyager somewhat green, perhaps (5). Thankx ibn advance.
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Last one. 91d) magazine produced by supporters (7) f?n?i?e Is it fanline?
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Can anyone help me please with nos. 64, 90, 101, 102, 104, 105, 121, 126, 128 Any help very much appreciated, they are driving me mad....
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AB Editor
Let me know here: there is a discussion going on about the direction of the site, let us know your thoughts, Spare Ed...
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26a bachelor of engineering clasped old saw (6) ?E?E?D thanks
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last one. 12a button takes up no end of room! (4) ?T?P
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STUCK ON 2 CLUES can anyone help 17d Drawing up legislation (3,6) ??w ?a?i?g 1a-Fundamental nature (7) ???e?c? Thanks to anyone who can help.
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need help please 7. enraged singer (9) 31. off the coast of africa (7) 40. speak evasively (6) 42. women are supposed to have trouble with this (6) 47. outing (6) thanks D x
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All to do with sticks. eg Hew - Chop[ 1. Bird and part 2. Terrible rage 3. Fastener 4. Type of windows 5. About in evil surroundings 6. Wicked one No of letters not given. Thanks J.
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6) The queen in a coal yard? (6) 11)Fence in little Russell (6) 28) A cooking utensil, a definite article and a direction (7) 24)Some painters go this way to use one (6) 22) Has "15" escaped down...
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Still need please 7. For kissing 15. Head a piece of crockery 16. Monastery door opener 33. Waits for no man 42. Single cereal 45. Two dad's boy No of letters not given. Many thanks J.
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Scottish Places: 3 How to increase knowledge 11 The half of the half of anything 12 The people here are downcast. Have done the others on the sheet if anyone out there wants some answers. Would be...
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1 Across - TV Sock Puppet (4&4) --m- c-o- 1 Down - Hover (6) --i-e- 5 Across - Chanted Phrase (6) (Sorry No Letters) 8 Down - Absolute Ruler (8) ------a- 73 Down - Bus Depot Facility (7&7) -e--ing...
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3a story character in Greece P?E?E I had phebe but it has been suggested to me that it is piece?? Any thoughts please!
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tommy's team
Caused panic in the Whitehouse (7) Panic flag (8) Press register (3,4) Once cream of Italian society (8) Traditional mother's present (6) Speak evasively (6) Women are supposed to have trouble with...

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