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Stuck on 2. 37a. Feast I seethed about includes crustles pie (6) e?o??a 33d. Stumpy character keeps batting (5)   Help appreciated TIA
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11d flight from france for somewhere else to the east thereof (6) -reece
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Good morning, I’ve enjoyed getting all the Unclueds except one at 39a ( AL?M?S?NS ) which, I guess, must be a three word answer. I’m also stuck on the following clues for which I would appreciate... ...
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28d angles are germans plugging deep ravines (7) l-ggins and should I shade the short form of an animal for the last madra? if not a big hint please
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11ac: Birthplace of Carl-Heinz Schroth and two beginners, one involved in tense part mostly (5) I have t?l?? Help please
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is there word 'listenerin' an anglo-german female auditress? : 35a auditor maybe is involved in relaxationof rent line (10) l-s-eneri- Oh and 29d last of vessels heading for north island (4)... ...
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Good afternoon, a pretty mild offering from Doc this week except for three of the unclueds and one clue! Help for the latter should help me to unravel the rest of the unclueds more quickly. Thanks... ...
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much ado about nothing, key work about racism? (5) f-c-s   faces? facts? focus? and how to parse?
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2d gives in - or out! (6), has an a and a s in (but all words are anagrammed to enter) 9a going round champagne city, having drink is more stimulating (8) has 2 e and 1 a - I guess it means 'more... ...
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Good evening, a Soup offering that looks interesting as far as discovering anagrams is concerned. Help with the following would certainly help me to know if I’m on the right track. Many thanks in... ...
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Good morning, a nice little challenge from Pabulum! Help for the following should help me to crack the eminent victims. Thanks in advance! 10a    Run from libertine boy punches (7)  : ???L??? 14a   ... ...
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so I know I must transform 40a 25a 2d (have worked out 7d) 24 d and into what, but hints required please - are they posh varieties like 7d for example
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Paris accepting blame ultimately for artist's murder perhaps (7,7).  CAPITAL OFFENCE.  I get the definition (murder perhaps), and PARIS = CAPITAL,   ....but the rest?   Favour old person like me... ...
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I have the quote and the utterer of it, and have filled the rest of the grid, but don't find a 'suggestion of how to complete the perimeter'
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1d Flank is replacine one for groin  F?ISK I can't find any connection with groin!
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1a I hand round a mostly poor-quality coarse fibre 8 p-a-s-ba and is 43a treehole?
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enjoying this, but am stuck on the last 3, 2 of which should begin with b,d or w: I'll give the 3 clues and then the letters I have, each clue could apply to any of the letter arrangements Deer trap... ...
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Planet's epigrammist (7) ??R?I?? 
  Ta muchly 

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