East should be in the Q or A 27 I suspect this one wasn't all that quiet (7,5) 32 Beyond Aldgate and later the mint (11) I have seen a suggestion here but it doesn't seem to fit the quiz pattern....
Stuck on a few anagrams . 13/ Makes Coins Flash (6 9) 17/ Cute Cake Gobbles Vest ( 9,5,5 ) 21/ EASTER CAKE LOSS ( 9,5) 22/ BAD ROOM REBEL ( 7.5) 26/ NEED CHEAP TINS ( 6,7) 29/ I CUT THEIR BASICS (...
All answers related to horses in some way
1. Container is in a mess with the don riding (7)
Any help greatly appreciated
Closing date 31st July 2022...
Panorama - available on catch up - I watched it twice 700 sub postmasters convicted of fraud when they said at the time that the computer was saying 'no' when it should have said 'yes' everyone...
First drop in 18 years https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60238565 Is this indicative of shifting moods ? Is it an age/demographic thing ? I never use Facebook so cannot really comment Though I do...
Can anyone help with
13 Bake with milk or sauce ,,,No number of letters. Can only think of poach but that isn't a fish.
21 Balancer?
Thanks for any help...
Local Quiz, c/d 31 January All the answers are places around Britain. Last two answers to find and any help appreciated. 1. Where angry seas crash into the cliff 2. Also found in Canada (there are so...
I need answers to three more please No14 idiot in plane got obstreperous - it was a close shave (10) No15 blow on lower tuft (7) No24 a nearly cylindrical fish can be ridiculous all around (6) many...
Help needed please. Answers are composers. 1. Were the clothes whiter than white? (7) 8. ...but this man sounds like his island home (7) 10. Search the furniture and upholstery for this (5) 23. Did he...
Licking their wounds? Maybe voters are just as fed up with their constant sniping at the government yet not offering a viable solution to current problems.
Clues instead of words ! 1. WSWTMA? end of witches committee meeting. 2.TAAL Sour and fruity response to your query 3. MOTR moderately bad driving 4. TWDNMAR Moral mathematics 5. PIBTC certainly where...
1.FF the B 2. The L of TI 3.T give a H to F 4. LBA lady T 5. That's JH the CC 6. You CB your BD
7. TH an E to the MC 8. W me L as YWMG 9. Your GIAG as M...
All to do with weather 1.AP in a S 3.AF day in LT 4.INR but IP 5.RS at N,SD 6.OnTSS of TS 7.SOMA mellow F 8. To S someon's T 9.As PA the DS 10. Sole,L,F,I sea