My brother had a dance/big-beat track on single featuring the melody of 'Peter and the Wolf' mixed into it, but I have no idea what it was called or who it was done by. Its somtimes featured in...
Who created the latino type music for the Saab advert, where the man leaves from watching a football game with his mates, and drives around an empty town whilst everyone is inside watching the match....
Does anyone know who performed the scat jazz music which runs over the Pentium advert for their new laptop computers? It is the advert where people move their desks around - on diving boards, etc....
Does anyone know the music for the Inland Revenue Tax Credits advert? It is the piano music, and the advert is in the style of the design of the five and ten pound notes, etc... please help me!
Does anyone know who performed the music from the most recent Orange picture messaging advert - the one where everything is blurred? (It is also used on the Channel4 programme Banzai)
I am in urgent need of the 'Happy Shopper Markets Ltd.' logo and the 'Raid' insect repellant logo for my media course. I have already used the Google Image search, but to no avail. If anyone can find...