i am not totally convinced that you are for real. I dont get how you would have worked all of that out from reading the thread what happened to andy styles and grrr? You must...
About 17 years ago, I read an article in Hot Press magazine (Dublin muso journal) about a guy who was writing the longest rhyming poem in the world, titled "You'll Never Find a Rhyme for...
Forgetting important stuff - What is the most important thing that you have forgot to do or forgot to take? The reason I ask is that I have just realised that I have only clipped 7 out of my 10...
why do you find it so hard to believe that out of a population of 55,000 people, you are th only ne to have the name andy styles and be 25. You realy do believe that i am some twisted person...
After being made to feel very very un welcome by people I dont think I'll still around. This site was just compared to a PUB. Its not a pub it's a website. Seems new people are not...
Would anyone like a discussion about music ? For my part I could talk about it all night, Brahms 1st Symphony 4th movement, Figaro, Dream of Gerontius. CB may not be that place for that, but if anyone...
The written language of ancient Rome was latin. 1) Do we know if this was also the spoken language of the people? And if so, was it used by all levels of society? (Seems a little 'high falutin'...