1 - Strayed - ????? 2 - Native to india grounded in the physics of the five elements - ??????b? 3 - Lose water - ??????s?e 4 - Technique to improve posture - ????????e 5 - Finished - ??????? 6 -...
1 - Ill tempered morse boxes second-in-command - ???o?e 2 - Acknowledge direct involvement - C?e?i? 3 - Sunken ship takes a long tim to become flot sam - ?r?????e 4 - Give an account of loud gunshot -...
1 - Love to argue back on liner - ???s?i? 2 - A flask of mother's ruin - ?h?r?o? 3 - Came to organise summit - ??m? 4 - Fully informed concerning a crucifix - A?r?s? 5 - Afraid to lose half the...
1-archaic or literary term meaning a daringspirit or deed,boldness or bold action - ??r?i?g/?o 2-on comet!on cupid!on donner and ? - ?l?t??n 3-edward samual? Polotician born on christmas eve 1969 -...