1. lead jacket required in this department
2. double move
3. it's just below freezing
4. staying in
5. the riches of my mum and dad
6. pete and mike fighting again
any answers appreciated...
1. ADDEHILLLMNORUV (2 words) 2. does this one carry a health warning 3. ACHHIIILMNORT (4 words) 4. did she have her swanson(g) here 5. no need to "press" on here anymore 6. is this where you keep...
1. student in centre of dilapidated old farm vehicle 2. 2 animals, the first confused and wild, the second domestic and reversed 3. wine with sauce 4. gold bounded by abbreviated undergarment 5....
1, you must be "desperate" to live here 2. would you find a gecko here 3. a cross passed 12 stations here 4. is this one full of worms 5. where jazz and whiskey meet 6. where winona's downfall...
1. fate, destiny
2. little Valerie and her friend
3. not such an ugly duckling
4. grandmother and a parent
5. golf score and mother
any answers appreciated...
Not doing too good today - stuck on three. 34 Across. 'First name that links Everett and Grint' I have ??P?R? 34 Down. 'Sprinkler cover cold floor' I have '??N? 55 Across. 'Excepting' Two words 5 & 4....
1. men can enjoy smoking anywhere here
2. it's doubly wonderful
3. do confused couples stay here
4. it wasn't built on our green and pleasant land
any answers appreciated...