1 (a) Kit's partner laid out in a cool head (8) 27(a) incoming outgoing (5,3) 18 (d) Birds sheltering recent rivals I am sure these are obvious to most, but not to me. I am stumped. Please someone...
1 across. Write a spoof about a listed building. I have ??w?r?????a 11 Across. Cattle producing rail chaos. I have ??a?o????. Must be an anagram, but I can't get it 21 Down Composer has not finished...
7d Graphite formed on the surface of molten iron with a high carbon content. I have K?S?. It should be obvious, I know. I have been right through Chambers but can find nothing. Can someone out there...
Can anyone kindly help with 5d Tent like structure of skins on poles found in central Asia. I thought it was YAKUT as, I had Y???T but this does not fit with 11a A sheriff's officer which think is...
23d Compass withholding half what it helps to draw I have ?i?t? I suppose answer is "WIDTH" but I am not quite sure why. 26a Hit land shortly. I have ?h?n. It must be an off day for me, but I can't...
Can any kind person tell me why the answer to 23d is "MANES"? Preumably hidden in the clue "Spirits of the dead in RoMAN ESchatology. I am sure the answer to 21d is "ASURAS" (God of gods- not odd...
6d The golden-breasted trumpeter, a crane-like bird of South America(5) A?A?M Surely ALARM but only because I cant think of any alternative and it seems to fit the name. Help appreciated
24a Widespread perennial of salt marshes. It must be something lavender I think, but what? I have ?e? l?v?n?e?
Help please from someone in the salt marshes
18d Sense organs exterior sea urchins ?P?A?R?T?A 12a Mathematical name or max & min values ??T?E?A 14a Material images of objects (sometimes unconvincing ones) ????????? sorry no letters at all
Some help please. 11d Knightly champion finds boy suffering (7) I have ?a?a?i? 22d Announcement of breakfast TV programme (6) I have ?e?i?l 21d EU directive on their curvature is insane (7) I have...
Can anyone help me with these, please. ""What damaged the siren at the plant?" (*) I have ?A?t???N "They hum you notice when upset" (4) I only have ?O?? (I think the last letter is S, but why is the...
Can any kind person help me with the following: 1Across Emily's father . I have ???t??? ??s????? 14Across- Tuscan Folk song I have ??o?????o !6 Down- Witch in Scotland I have G??? C.r?i?e
The following are eluding me (anddriving me crazy. 8 Across Capital cover for councillor- a tree, one in the wild. I have ????? helmet 7 Down A wonderful timefor sublimanists Tocoin a phrase. I have...
help please 1. rose quartz 8. 4. g?h?m?a? r?b? 2 scots form of broil (noisy quarrel) 7 b?u?y?e 3 stolen vehicle sold as though legtimate 8 ?w?e?l?r is it - awheeler. 4 parents whose children have left...