I mean take this site for instance, everyone gets along for a couple of weeks, then it all seems to kick off and then censorship has to come into play. What is it about humans that makes us argue with...
My cat is a year old. I am about to start a new job, and he'll be alone in the house during the day. To keep him company, I'm thinking of getting another cat. Which would be best - a kitten? An older...
Can anyone recommend a good make/model of cordless phone - something that will look quite stylish in my living room and won't stop working within six months, as my last two have. Thanks all.
I think I've developed an intolerance to wheat over the past year or so, as my stomach becomes uncomfortable and bloated after eating bread and pasta etc. Why would I 'suddenly' develop such an...
Since there have been so many 'what's your favourite....' and 'top ten....' questions in the music section recently, thought I'd try What's your favourite book of all time...? with reasons please -...
Answerbankers... what do you consider to be your specialist subject? i.e. the one you would choose should you ever end up on mastermind... one only please, no showoffs!