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When I visited my doctor after getting diagnosed with cancer,he gave me a form to fill in,I filled the few questions that were relevant to me and he filled the rest in,the doctor said it would be more...
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Rainbow charity quiz
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Has anyone been using e cigarettes,have you coughed whilst using,do you still cough after using for a while,anybody found the secret to stop coughing,if so can you let me into the secret,it cannot be...
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All this rhetoric from North Korea about nuclear missiles,if they want nuclear missiles,I suggest the US sends them a few
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My wife has asked me to find a title of a song which contains this line,And just to follow ill spend a dollar on the man who tries to tell your fortune,I have searched for the last month with no...
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Has anyone on here claimed through national advice clinic for hearing loss compensation and how did you get on with them.
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I have an 8 year old victoria plum(self pollinating)it gets plenty of blossom but no fruit sets on it,can anyone enlighten me to why this is the cause
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I have an 8 year old Victoria plum(self pollinating)that has plenty of blossom on in spring,but no fruits set on it,do they need anything in particular to help it along,it fruited when I first bought...
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Who was in the dance off.Who was voted off last night
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Anyone know where I can purchase Globus garden peas,they are a foreign brand.I used to get them from Morrisons but they appear to have stopped stocking them,if you ask anyone in Morrisons why a shrug...
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Last night,I gently removed the wifes tampax and replaced it with a party popper,leaving the string hanging down,I tell you she has no sense of humour that one
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An eminent scientist has predicted in this mornings paper that an ice age is on its way,what no global warming,oh dear whatwill the greens do next,or more to the point if its true how much will the...
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Hammonds property services annual quiz,download off the internet at www.hammondpropertyservices.com An interesting quiz which gives you the answers,all you have to do is put them to the correct...
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Anyone ever used this for the computer,and if so were you satisfied with it.
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Well its the big one Saturday,getting nervous myself............To be honest all of Sheffield will be cheering you on.............Come on Engelbert you can do it !!!
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Has anyone signed up to British Gas price hold till 2015,do you think its a good deal or not,at the moment I am undecided,but have only got till monday to sign up.
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Does anyone know of a courier who will carry an air rifle please.I have tried most but come up with a blank.Didnt know which category to put this in,but no doubt I will be told.
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I am having trouble sending and receiving bbm,does anyone else have this trouble,has anyone encountered this,has anyone had it and resolved it.This has only been happening for about 3 weeks,prior to...
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Last night I had a phone call,although I had the same phone call about 6 months ago,asking for the previous owner,we brought this telephone number with us from our last house,so how do they put my...

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