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I have just built a Happy House for the sweeties on here, I am looking for staff and I am starting interviews now, credentilas are. 1. Respect to others 2. A sunny disposition 3. One who can speak...
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for the best little fighting men in the world, the Ghurkas, I am over the moon that these little warriors have been given the right for them and their dependants to stay here, No, I am not making a...
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A bit dull and overcast here in Gloucestershire this morning, but if it turns out like yesterday I shall be happy! Have a good day everyone.
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I feed song birds so I know why I am plagued with feral pigeons. But, is there a way to deter them, is there a specific poison or other means. The proximity of buildings precludes me taking a shotgun...
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It all looks a bit strange on here tonight. Most of the names are green ... And most of the questions are weird. Have I missed something ?
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I dont know, I'm just a stupid man! /Oven-Pride-advert-mocking-men-was-not-sexist- watchdog-rules.html
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Dot taking all this?
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I know I'm green, slow and misinformed but I'm wondering what has become of Leggendisgod. He was an enthuiastic, entertaining and compassionate poster and I do hope he's ok. I note that there are some...
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At the moment the sky is clear, but a bank of cloud is lurking along the horizon, I hope it stays clear, I've got a charter today and it's no fun for the customers if it's wet. Enjoy your day one and...
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Minus 4 degree frost this morning. And it's still only autumn. It's 11.18am, Wednesday. CB is becoming rather Edward Lear -ish!
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hello nice people
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group hug everyone?
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I had a Guiness for the first time in about 5 years today... and i must say it was horrible, i couldnt wait to get back onto a pint of lager afterwards. It was like drinking cold coffee, why is it so...
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My cat is really noisy especially in a morning when I am giving her breakfast she will eat a little then carry on meowing i give her lots of attention but need to know how i can get her to quiet down
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a) one b) several c) infinitesimal amount d) as many as knobby.
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Is this a dream? No. Of course ... if this was a dream, there'd be rum. Capt Jack Sparrow But if it was your dream, what would there be ??? For me ... popcorn. Buckets and buckets of popcorn.
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too many threads here, I cant keep up,can we stick to one,as im all over the place.Is dot home yet.
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has anyone else got thunder storms this evening? we have a big storm over us now

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