11 A On paper it should take away the lead.(6) E???E? 6D Act out this one:mee-ow? mee-ow? mee-ow?(5,3) ?T??? CAT 16D They furnish the figures just for sport.(10) SCORE?I?E? SCORETIMER????
1D Isthis how the butcher was dismissed? GOT THE CHOP ? 9A A court ruling that could beggar belief (10) C???????O? 4D Over which the landlords lounged of yore.(4) ???S 18 A Dixie for the pickin',as in...
16 D Apex of ambitious achievement is largely temporal.(3,3,4) The Top ??/ 24 D Does she fly by night bearing a bundle under her wing? (5) ???R? 27 A Eastern date not about to discharge.(8) ????N???
12A ...asthe German loses 1,000 out of rage.(5) ?N?E? ANGER? 11A Want the French to taunt... (6) N?E??? NEEDLE? 21A Reading with a pair of brothers in pursuit of promotion (4) H?N?
2D So Easy to do for a no-brainer.(6) ?O???? 11A Want to French to taunt ... (6) 27A Relevant texture... (8) ??T????? 23D P--e (just to make a show) (6)
5D Advance Information Technology?Let's have that! (5,2,2) 6D Might Troy have stopped a Trojan horse with this today? (8) 10A beeeeeeep -----------------? Time limit,please.(8)
6 A A report I disclose of African capital.(8) ????T???A ANAG A report I??? 9A East in sad grip going down (10) D?S?A???N? 16 D How one bestows oneself honour,as a lion does? (5,5) PUKKA PRIDE ?????...
Q29 Former Irish president Mary Robinson joined the advisory bard of which US politician's investment fund? Is it George Bush Snr.(unlikely),Al Gore (more likely), Ross Perot or Mitt Romney Q32 Which...
Q.26 Which major luury goods group sought state aid from the government thisyear for its ailing manufacturing facility in ireland? 39.Which two parties indicated recently that they will make a joint...
Q7 In Clint Eastwood's The Changeling,Angelina Jolie puts two dollars on which movie to take home that year's Best Picture Oscar? I have all the other answers!
Q.6 In November,the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) identified si European countries as being the most vulnerable to a deep recession.Name all six countries. Q.7 Which...
Q29 what figure do you arrive at when you add the total number of bette davis'oscar nominations to colin farrell's age,and then subtract the number of guns hired by barbara stanwyck in a classic...
Q16 Is the pictured actor Robert De Niro? Q 20 Who came after Val but before Christian? Q30 Which classic Yuletide movie began life as a Christmas card?