1d, 2words, 7.4. F?s???e ???s, Viewer suspicious about oriental girl's being topless 6d, 3words, 3-3,5, R?? ?o? P???r, Very exciting game fore occupant of bed. 8a, ??t?, Ex- PM loses his head - simply...
2d, M?i??, Tall grass Labrinth I entered. 11a, C???t? Greek Island imports American produce. 15d,9lets, N?g?????e, Punk German hit is an awful experience. 22a, 8lets, S???a?e?, New Statue I'd located....
4a, 8lets, ???p?c?l, I play act in silly way that's unusual. 5d, 14lets, ????s???t???o?, Movement that's raised skill and physical activity in people. 11a, 5lets, K?p?t, Broken article placed on end...
15d, 2words, 5.4. G?p?? ????, Insecure pygmy shot six footer. 20a, 8lets, ?o?o???s, They're said to be the same but they don't mean it. 22a, 6lets, ?e?r??, odd fish party spotted behind dam. 26a,...
8d, D?f?a??,Turkey sandwiches useless fare for do. 20a, 2words,4.3. T??? T?m, A money order? 30d, I?e?r?a?t, Alcoholic, one, very naughty boy, caught? 42d, A?e?o?e, Solvent made from cool air. 49d,...
1d, F?o?, Defect in fine piece of legislation.. 4d, U?o?e?, Aromatic plant seized by American customs. 5d, R?f?e???, Soldier's turned up to identify large tree. 8d, P?r?e???n?, Ominously indicating...
1d, ???p?i?r, Photograph seaside landmark that could be more stylish. 8a, ???e?r, Make beloved finish feature. 13d,O?o?e, One underweight? Invigorating air needed. 22a, ?a??a, Hilda cultivated a...