7d,R?w??, Turning left and right, less important sort of wheel. 9d, 2words, 4.4. B?s? ??t?, Lecture about a small level of interest. 10a, ?b?l, Lincoln Cathedral's last murder victim. 13a, 8lets,...
3D, ??c?, Bumpkin is dull-witted ,no leader. 4a, P????, Old measures in the bill? 5d, ??s, Childish reason for a triangular relationship. 6d, ??a??, Italian wine store empty? 10a, 3.3. ?e?.???,...
13a, 6 letters, S?b???, Israelis support invading troops with special training. 12d, 5letters, ?????, Citizen, perhaps, stuck with hard measure. 18a, 9letters, G?a?????a, A defective boat going west...
27a, 3words, 2.3.4. Not knowing when badgers might appear, I?? ?e? ???k,
23d, E???a, Special walk on part.
25d, G???o, Fertiliser sample of Nicaraguan origin....
14d, ??a?a, A horse with a hairy covering. 12d, ???i?, Apt to be half cut after celebration jars. 17d, ?a??,Play , but don' t bother about the score. 16d, ??i??, Climber following others' lead like...
1a, ?tC/o?d, With thick coat on back, plays truant from school.
13d, 2words, 5.6. C?a?e ?t?t?h, Secures dwarf that sewer ay employ.
15d, 9lets, O?p?r?u?e, Timely drink in old Indian city....
5d, 4words, Models on the ?o?d, Music of Island Records?
6d, C???a?d, Lead found in artificial apple.
8d, H???t, Jack is into baking.
16a, ?y?s, Witnesses close to police, of course....
1a, 9lets, S?c??????, Material worn for fire drill. 3d, ????s, Crooked discount house not unsuited to salmon production. 4d, ??t?r, Pit bull terrier - stray one's gone 6a, R?a??, Cutting off head,...
2d, 2words, 4.2. ?l?p ??, Careless mistake students raised. 8d, P?l???s, Star using Circle line in capital. 12a, 2words, 6.8. ?r???? ???c?i?r, Rugby forward, for certain, disrupted three-quarters, say...
3d,2words, 4.8. Long ???n????, Established like the one at the front of the queue?. 13a, ?a???e?s, Dull hair? Sleep on it. 20a. ?????l, Israel adapted TV show. 23a, 2words, 8.4. ?????n?? ?e?t, Border...