A quiz compiler stated, in 1998, that the view from the top of The Monument (in London) is a little different to the last time he was up there in about 1990, and the blame for that must lie with...
stumped with the last few answers are place names in england with names of birds or something connected with birds 1 Cowardly weapons 2 Sending account at the end of June 3 Rottten site decomposes...
Place names T.d.F Is this the hottest place in South america L Named after a colonial governors wife B.B not usually eaten wet W.C Edward V111's Seat More help required, many thanks.
Would be very grateful for help with the following: 1. Who said "The only blind person at Christmas time is he who has not Christmas in his heart". 2. Where did the custom of eating turkey at...
Hope you can help out, my Gran has a Christmas quiz, she has *most* of the answers but is stuck on some. There is letters which make up the title of a Christmas hymn or song, i.e. IBHFC = I'll Be Home...