stinker this week14a early programme of greek sabbath, fit to burst [3.3.39] 12a military supplier to accommodare teacher[13 4d national diplomacy, in the past, mass production[13] 9d president's cat...
13d high level plot to forgo new forest [4,6] r?o?,??r??? 24a baker to remarry by trickery[4,5]???y,???r? 18a farmhouse fixture creaking then repair ot [7,5] k?t?h??,?a??? kitchen? 17d distant sea as...
11a ambassador delaying explosive test here? [10]h?a?i????? 18a sticker put on dummy bird{8,5]?a?n???e,???s? 20a how disgracefulhoney, a tailess mouse cooked [5.2,3] 13d baby carrier perhaps he lets...
12aflower joint,semi-liquid source of vitamin c [7.5]???e???,????? 18a ripped garment shown on comedy drama[3.5.4 ]the 4d dear sir L [6-6] letter opener? 10d dog trainer's band tour[5.7]s????,?e?????...
1d get fed up of english island [5]?i??? 2d ok when it's up to mutant alien with little heroine[10]?h???e?i?a 10a specific word to spell[4]???? 22a car upholstery's in good shape [4]t??? 19d number...
15a sitcom male to c-catch fire[7] ?e?b?r? 20a like a film, american, following message about fibre [10] ?????a?o?s 19d poison victory with bad omen [5] ???o? 21d half royal place needs lotion [4]...