That I cant do that as tears are streaming down my face cause the news is on about madeline how the hell can anybody do that to a lovey little girl like that if I ever get my hands on however has don...
"Our two minds .... One is an act of the emotional mind, the other of the rational mind. In a very real sense we have two minds, one that thinks and one that feels" (Daniel Goleman, Emotional...
greetings lovers , party at mine at 2am u know where at the caravan, there will be live music from chas and dave and a 4 pound entry scheme if you are male 23 - 28 you get to sleep with me before you...
no longer am i going to worry about men , i jsut met the man of my dreams and he aint even called , i dont want the hassle i will now remain a sad old spinster and die a lonely sad cow
is it me or is the dating game really, really harsh? ive been single a year now and the one thing i want more than anything is a settled relationship i made a drunken mistake on the weekend and i dont...
Is there a fruit or food that will help reduce bloodpressure? Avocado's did wonders for my wife's cholesterol, we now need help for her bloodpressure. please help, she's alllergic to many prescription...