1a) petals changing colour (6) p?s?e? 11a) Sack Bank employee (7) c???I?r 13a) Teach a tip about being indifferent (9) a?a???t?c 28a) Wrote of being enclosed (6) ?e?n?d 6d) Free flow (9) d?????r?e...
Please can you help with top left hand corner 1a Put an end to hard drink ???a?? 2d Company owning left wing set of beliefs ??e?? 4d Bear climbing on the French fair ground stall ??o??? 11a Old king's...
Having knowledge of a town in Hertfordshire(5) A - A - -
.....Go head, start shooting (4-4) - - R - / A - - Y ?
.....Failing to desert (6) D - - - C -?...
(6) about to perform at American plant c???u? (the c is from castle (4,3,6)what you might get from the butcher? - ????,???,?h?n?e (4,9)small passion that's upsetting a worker - ????, assistant (5)...
With reference to pop music picture section of superbrain quiz.
the number ten picture was someone called "Lolly"
i have never heard of her
Thanks to everyone for help with answers ....
6 down Robot in Forbidden Planet that also made an appearance in Gremlins 5 letters R???Y 13 across Viceroy in the Mughal Empire, subsequently a term for a wealthy westerner in India 5 letters N???B...
After getting help with a previous Q I find I still can"t answer 1d
Sleeping around is out .......?N?R?E Despite there being so few options I ttill can't home in on the right one....
34a herbaceous perennial plant such as the mugwort, sagebrush or wormwood A?????S?A 36a A vast region of Russia and northern Kazakhstan S?????S 15d A town on the river loire in north central france...