27d. And went down with down with a wave of farewell (4) s? n? 12a. Isn't it a truck for the yanks that don't gave any truck for the same in English (5) ?o?r? Thanks all
1d. Such pets may master cubes, strangely enough. (7 4) B?r?e?? C??s 20a. Snares perhaps many drinks. (5) D???? 16a. Untidy bunk, empty in the middle (7) ????m?t Will it grow for neither Musketeer B... ...
19a. This gifted youngster has a rich pig oddly cooked (5 7)C???d. ?o????? 20d. Supposing I happen to be a drink, then mix that drink(9) ??a???I?g 14d. Got stronger right? With everybody at one... ...
85d. Make the kids mother affirm what an interfering society it is (5 5) N ???? ??a?? 110a. You'll get no present in this state (7) A???n?? 75a. Detaining a dingbat like thus is a criminal act (6 3... ...
27a. Might pie in the sky mice mean Trumps recipe for a Shepherds pie (5 4) ???c? M?a? 8d. Number 1 event in a glorious sense resulting from the nativity (12) C?r????????? Thanks all
16d. Information technology totally terminated 3 2 2 3 27a. Chum committed to sea and Fiddlers green to come 8 ??I ????? 25a. All but greek to you and me are these old allegories 6. ?a?l?? 23d.... ...
1d. Unexpected payments needed in getting concealed lettuce to the outskirts of Thurles. (6 5) H???e? ?o??? 21a. Potassium in small drinks. One gives them a miss (5) 19d. In which an informant... ...