My partner and I have the 6th-11th Jan booked off work and we want to go away somewhere and stay in a cabin or lodge. We live in Surrey so ideally we want somewhere that is no more than a 3-4hr drive...
All you crafty people, I need your help. I am making a Lego "pencil" holder. I quote pencil because I'm not using baby food jars nor do I think these will be used for pencils. This craft seems to have... Nice to see this illegal migrant helping out...
Hi, we went to a Christmas fair yesterday and there was stall selling a variety of food bits, so myself an mum bought a lovely tin of cookies, when i got home i read on the label on the back and it...
Not a question, just an observation. After seeing a message on AB about waiting for Silverdisc I googled it and went to a Silverdisc blog page which included this slightly intriguing statement: "The...
Sweeping up leaves this afternoon I was pondering on things as I usually do when I was reminded that children today do not appear to know The Ten Commandments and then by way of testing myself I tried...
Every year I take my next door's neighbour/good friend - kiddies stuff for Xmas - She comes and gets on Xmas Eve. However last week her sister in law said - oh you have some stuff of mine in your...
How long can you use leftover turkey once the big day is over? The NHS site says 48 hours, yet I remember as a kid I seemed to be eating turkey for ages after christmas day!
I'm not normally one to promote the company I work for but this is an excellent deal at this time of year. for anyone who's on a bit of a budget over this month (and who isn't?) and want's a cheap...
On the "Chatter Box" thread earlier I suggested that "What did you have for dinner tonight ?" was probably the most frequent and annoying title that appears on here!!!!!! Someone replied, "I beg to...
People queuing at midnight to see a film that's been regurgitated over and over again already
Am I the only one who doesn't get what all the fuss is about?...
Definitely the way to get more men to watch womens football! It appears that our...
Since I have retired and am at home for most of the days, my neighbour who lives across the road has been sending her bulky mail/parcels to my address. It is now getting infuriating and has been going...
since monday I have been very anxious about travelling down south next week. lack of appetite and sleep and agitation. But after a really relaxed night with friends talking about it and other things I...