Don't know if this has ever been asked on AB before (if it has then sorry) but who would be you all time top 5 dinner guests? Past or present, dead or alive.
does anyone remeber a kids teatime prog. a girl is in a house and she keeps drawing rocks and they appear outside and start coming closer. well that's how i recall it, scared the bejesus out of me....
I know I have heard theanswer to this beofre but i cannot find it online. Which song repeats it's full title the most times during the song lyrics? I am fairly certain it is Bill Withers Lovely Day...
I remember watching a film about 10 years about two irish boys who live in Ireland with their father as their mother had passed away. They become friends with this white horse - they run away from...
That song reminds me of the dentist, because once I was getting my teeth checked and it was on the radio. What songs bring back random memories for you?
Does anyone know whether i will be able to buy THE END by Nancy Sinatra on vinyl? The song is used on the vodefone ad and my fella loves it. Does anyone know anywhere that sells vinyl of that era(50s...