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What's worse; not voting, or voting for someone whose views don't represent your own?
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22Down,How seamstress will secure satisfactory result ? (3,2) S_W / _P , is the answer sew up
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Not a question about any of the answers, but more asking for guidance. The Telegraph reprinted (in miniature) the grid for this puzzle, which was incorrect the previous week, missing two blank...
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8d, Outer muscle between buttock and hip (7,7) is the answer Gluteus Myxomas
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30a One of the monarch's bodyguards(9,2,4) Is it Gentlemen at arms or Gentleman at arms?
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She's black & white, 14 weeks old, has a stub tail & is head explodingly cute!
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mos you crossword 14 and 20 down 9 letters and 6 letters contemporary british author thanks in anticipation just cant get started with this one help appreciated.
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still a few to get in Sat. paper 25a chum irate suffering this fever(9). 23d Beasts troubling hound(6). 24d Lest potential alien transmitted by direct descent(6). Many thanks to you all
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22down, Unpretentious pie ? (6) ???B?? 23down, Beasts troubling hound (6) ???s?? 24down, Left potential alien transmitted by direct descent (6) ???e??

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