hello, i have noticed that i lose weight over a number of hours for no apparant reason. i weigh myself before bed. i weigh 11st 3lb. the next morning i eat breakfast and weigh myself. 11st 1lb. so...
I guess there are a heap of Ufo events enough to keep you busy for your intire life time if you so choice to read through them, maybe just the interesting documented cases, my question is this, how...
My teacher in school told us about H+ions, so I then asked her what they do, she said she didnt know this, so i'm now passing the question onto you folks. --Absinth--
I am sorry if this question annoys or upsets anyone but I am genuinely interested and would like an answer to it. Should human poos float or sink? In a conversation with friends, 3 said...
Anyone care to hazard a guess as to what the piece of debris was seen flying off immediately after the fuel tank jettison? My suggestion would be a McDonalds wrapper thrown out of the cockpit...