25 down - A fine woollen fabric, sometimes mixed with silk or cotton, used in coats? B??A?H?A 28 down - Herbaceous plants with large red, pink or white flowers? P?O?I?S Thanks in advance
Whenever I get am email with a link in it, it won't work and I have to put the URL ( if I know it )into IE, any suggestions please, I'm on XP with Outlook Express. Thanks John
I go on a lot of sites that say you have to have flash player 7 and do i want to download and then it says you have to have a yahoo toolbar is there any other way i can get this without having to have...
23A The answer here is surely Obelus - but not enough letters. Looking at the answers here it is Obelisk but that is a tapering pillar of stone. Am I missing the point?
14 down - Unhealthy vapours especially from decaying organic matter M?A??A 23 down - Formal expression of paraise in speech or writing P??EG???C Many thanks in advance.