I heard a song on kiss fm the other day which sounded like it had Marc Almonds Tainted Love in the background threading through it. Does anyone know what it is?
Looking for a quotation, probably Orwell, to paraphrase: "Each life, when viewed from the internal, is seen as a series of failures." Anyone find it/know where it comes from? (Read it years ago in a...
Can anyone tell me the name of an Australian series which was on late on Wednesday nights in the mid seventies. The main character was called John West I think. He was a sort of 'godfather' type...
Why do singers ruin perfectly good songs by singing a different, worse, version at live conserts/shows? If it aint broke don't fix it, the live versions never sound right.
Where have they been the last 100 years?? Suddenly, they're a class apart in what is usually a very tight division. How come? They've never done anything before. And, have they set any records yet on...
Can anyone help me figure out the band and lyrics to a song? The chorus starts "there are a few things that you should know by now". Its fairly recent. Thanks in advance.
Who was the last player to score in the premiership in the 20th Century and who was the first player to score in the 21st Century? I got them both wrong in a pub quiz the other day and never stuck...