q1,old and stale q2,frolic q3,an italian dance q4,an ancient fortified dwelling q5,an almond flavoured paste q6,extravagantly imposing q7,wave menacingly q8, authorisation for commercial activities...
q1,this wee toughie policed no mean city [3,7] q2,this one took holy orders[7,7] q3,did he work along the royal mile [5,10] q4,river in n w ireland leads you to this detective[11,5] q5,sounds just...
q1,magic roundabout dog[5] q2,dr smiths christian name in 1970 show lost in space[7] q3,tv series when you have to die when you reach 30[5] q4,he blew his angelic trumpet [7] q5,he once fought the...
q1,poorly made china q2,now youre for it q3,whip back q4,starting down a road to school q5,10-21-4-15 q6,second class night birds q7,apiece of eastern jewelry q8,soft drink...
q1,sea song also used as capstan shanty q2,getting nearer to islay q3,where ever i lay my hat q4,east,west q5,unique location q6,film from will and john q7,......and dont spare the horses...
q1,having the power to make laws q2,all embracing in providing protection q3,noy giving a final decision q4,prevent from having or enjoying q5,deliberately causing difficulties q6,provisional not yet...
q1,beyond ones means q2,underhand and secretive q3,monotonous again and again q4,able to handle perhaps deviously q5,innate and instinctive q6,helpful in building
q1[c] scientific pacifist sounded aristocratic starts with n q2[c] its edible but it sounds unpleasant starts with o q3,[c] officers coat is trifling starts with p q4[s] arnold schwarzenegger...
q1,sounds like bending the rules at sea q2,emotional exclamation q3,a worker with a special skill q4,communication in official letter q5 disgusting attack q6,society tolerating it all