BBC drama series starrin Jack Warner that ran from 1955-1976(5,2,4,5) ?I?O?/??/????/?R?E? 2 young to know it!!!!! Winner with john fitzgerald of the 1991 wimbledons mens double tennis...
HELP!!!!!! Unit of astronomical distance equivelant to 3,262 kight years?(6) ?A???? Any1 a member of N.A.S.A.......Ha! Ha! Ha! Mick commonweakth men's javelin silver medal winner 1986-94(4) ???L...
Help please to finish off 6 down which is flooring me. Item of furniture (5). Assuming that I have got 9 across and 11 across corrrect i.e Read Only and Despot the letters are ?L?O? . All I can come...
C.G.s A system of measurement based on three units The centimetre as a unit of length, the gram(mass) and the second(time) It is no longer used for scientific work having been replacerd by the S.I...
2000 Croatia open men's singles tennis champion(7,4) ?A?C??? R?O? City in the Neyherlands major centre of the Dutch cotton industry(8) ??S????? A spades depth of earth(4) SP?T A parliamentary...
and heres me thinkin id never get the blasted thing completed Ha Ha Just one left to finish No1 has come up with the ansa so~o I reckon ya dont know it shall I try one more time YEAH Greenhouse...
maiden in greek mythology who agreed to marry any man who could defeat her in a running race?(8) ???L?N?A PLEASE HELP I HAVE TRIED GOOGLE AND THE REST BUT ALAS TO NO AVAIL THANX ROBIEG(THE MAIN HOME...
Help Wont somebody Help me? Ha Ha Ha No seriously tho have looked on Google But to no avail still cannot find ansa PLEASE HELP ME OUT 1988 olympic men's marathon champion(7,6) ?E????? ??????