15a: On east river, adore changing last order(3,3,3,4) 19a: What shopper queuing at till endures, say, on balance (13) 7d: Stoppage not working? Start on new course (6,3) Thanks in anticipation...
Last one. Figure may as well ask rather than waste half an hour like yesterday.14d Firms clear about debtor's notes securing account. T?N?C?O?S Guessing its an anagram of notes co and ac, or...
I am stuck on two, glad of any help.
15a. the powerfl could end in penury 6 letters M?G???
16d.I abandoned Monaco prince in back street footwear 8 letters. ??A?N?R?...
Toughie today, for me anyway. 21a Recluses observe round the clock in retreat E??????S 18d Common soldiers exercise in yard O??????Y 27a Element in maturity, not active, undergoes change Y???I??...
Last two to get and completely stumped - 29a Lithium abused by laboratory finally causes resignation (8) ?U?I?I?? and 22d He may work in court with hen running round (6) ?A???R - Any help greatly...