19 down kid arrested by a foreign policeman in the end not charged
(7) u???d??
17 down british sovereign on newly minted euros? no wrong (9)
any help appreciated
Have got the railway but having trouble with the scriptorial resident who gave his name to a 1978 radio programme. Thinking for some reason of Kenneth Horne and others of that ilk.Any help...
1. James prefers a ----wood to the ----- 2. it must be fun to ----a ----in the garden in summer 3. the boys had to ---a net across the ----to clean it 4. old mrs---is now very----- thanks for any...
20a Line in general not normally something to get a reaction (8) a---r-e-
19d A fair rate possible, and easily applied? (4-2) ---p-n
Any help please...
Fine location in America for song and dance man F???P?T (FLEAPIT?), Woman who does time for a series of plots C?A?T , Aknave tailed in the region of satellite town on the Med A???C?O ta
Study not concerned with the animated web software at all ?O?A?Y ,True evil embraces this heartless psychological manipulation S?F?/S??? (SOFT SOAP?) ta
last two 34(a) albert's admitting the mad king is listening (3,4) a?l???s looks like all ears but but where does king come in 32(d) one might get a change by taking in sailor(4) ???y the second letter...
Society rejected by more unbalanced radical E?E?E?Y?? , Striking 25 of which a pair should improve 25 S?E?T?I??, Ostentatious display which devotees are expected to follow ??N???E , ta