If you are in a car travelling at 80 mph and you throw something into the air it and catch it again, why doesn't the object go hurtling through the front or rear windscreen if the car is travelling at...
once my math teacher told us that aliens or whatever other creatures may exsist and he suggested a very intersting idea about dimensions. as u know we're in 3D and we see what is shaped in 3D or...
With Christmas candles burning all around, I want to post 2 questions: 1. If you lit a candle in a totally wightless but air filled environment (eg a space casule), what shape would the flame...
I was taught at school that there is no such thing as centrifugal force - it is just an imaginary force used to make explanations simpler. eg washing in a spin dryer is not thrown outwards by...
To help improve my understading of electronics, I bought an oscilloscope on eBay. In playing around with it, I have found that, if I touch the probe onto my skin, a waveform is diplayed that is at 50...
Is it scientifically or physically possible for creatures such as Vampires Werewolves and Frankenstein Monsters ever to be created-or were were created, and if so-where is the proof?