1 Old coin caught in a storm (11) 2 Said to have tails I one area of baking (9) 3 ST toilets! (9) 4 A staple food plus the 18th (6) 5 This was done by women in WW2 (8) 6 The crusader would be lost...
Can anyone help with this question? I am celebrating my 50th anniversary in 2017 and it's been estimated that over 200 billion of me have been produced. What am I?
Thanks in advance....
Puzzle 22 page 59 in Chat Magazine issue 20
What's on Telly?
Blurred picture of two people sitting crossed legged in easy chairs.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks....
I use a flask most weekends, for tea, and never coffee. But is there something I can use to give the inside a really good clean, without leaving a taint ? I have used boiling water, fairy liquid...
Courtesy of naomi who found this and placed on news..... http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/News/Question1491127.html#answer-10368453 a caption competition for this muggy evening:...
I am rewriting my request to ask anyone out there if they have been able to find The Postie picture hidden within this edition. My earlier request had some words missing! Dave.