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Any help please: 1 across: excessively sure of success:13. Over????????? 4 down: at an angle: 7: ?????U? 8 down: Joining in: 13: ???????????O? 9 down: Maintain solidarity: 5&8: ?T??????????? Thanks...
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Any help with these please:puzzle 9 11 across: dilapidated: 4 & 6: ??E? ??T??? 14 down: mix two species: 5 & 5: C?O?? ????? Thanks...
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Any help with All Fours on page 34 please, I've made a mess of it. Thanks...
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Any help with these please 7 across attentive 5 letters ???R? 2 down show of boldness designed to impress;7 letters.???V??? 10 Down. Confront. 7 letters. Thanks...
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Has anyone got the letter for week 1 of the monthly cash cow please?
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Any help with these please:Puzzle 9 4 down: shaggy sheepdog breed: 3 & 7 ???????I?N 15 down: providing the basis for discussion: 10 letters:??G???A??? 10 across: Hide ready to cause surprise: 3 2 4...
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Anyone know the answer to ALL FOURS on page 27 please I made a right hash of it and started over and over....
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Any help with these please? 1 Down: convey commercially: 7 letters: ???i?a? 11 across: reducing the chance of electric shock: 4 &6 15 Across: Removable sofa protection: 5 &6 Thanks...
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Can't get started with these this week, any help please: 2 down: harmful to reputation. 10 letters 5 down: disrespectful: 10 letters 26 across: chief executive of a large oragnization:8 &7 Thanks...
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Any help with these please: 1 down: In a cold detached manner. 10 letters: ?L?????L?? 4 down: fruity desert in a pot. 6 letters 12 across: actors trial 6 & 4 Thanks...
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15 Across I have incomprehension is that right? Because 14 down gun running doesn't fit. 5 down uncurls doesn't fit either because I have logo for 13 across Any help?...
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Any help with these please? 11 across moaning or whining: 10 letters 15 across: written or printed copy: 10 letters. T????????? 9 down: criticise: 4 5 4 Thanks...
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Any help with these please: 9 across: Emphasise again: 8 letters: R??????? 6 down in a beneficial manner: 8 letters. ???????Y Thanks...
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Any help with these please: 11 across: similarities estimate: 10 letters: ??????i??? 9 down: Camouflage/cover: 11 letters: ???????r??? 15 across: Elegance: 11 letters: ?t????????? Thanks...
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Any help with these please: 11 across: filtered: 10 letters. ????o????? 1 across: Unprincipled: 7 letters 15 across: ancestry: 10 Letters: ????a???o? 15 down holder of violent opinions:9 letters...
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Any help with these please: 9 down: essential sustaining element: 5.3.6. ????D???B????? 7 across: overrun by sightseers: 8 letters: ??????T? 25 across: dye for grey hair: 4 & 5 Thanks...
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Any help with these please? 7 down: attracting: 8 letters: ?i?i???? 13 across: 4 letters: straggle behind. Thanks...
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Any help with these please: 2 down:illuminated by twinklers:7 letters 12 across: designating:7 letters D?????? 3 down: ornamental items: 5 & 5 13 down: burial ground: 10 letters: ??????Y?R? Thanks...
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Any help with these please: 8 across. Dejection. 14 letters 10 across.Extreme attention to detail. 10 letters. 21 across: Passed down: 10 letters Thanks...
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Can anyone give me the answer to ALL FOURS on page 24 please. I got near the end and made a right mess. Thanks...

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