Hi My old laptop died, but the HD was fine so I recovered it before I threw away the rest. I've now bought a powered enclosure that enables me to plug it into any USB port and access the data on it...
I've used Powerpoint for years but I'm stuck. As always, burning the midnight oil to finish a presentation and everything is becoming a problem!!! Anyway, basically when I format the font style for...
I have an old waxed/stained farmhouse style kitchen that I wanted to give a good polish. I bought and used a flat tin of 'antique' wax (solid brown stuff) that said apply with a clean cloth, allow to...
My parents have an ageing Yorkshire Terrier who's started licking the carpet - why? My parents have had the same carpet for a number of years and we thought that maybe the previous owners of the house...
the lyrics include ....... if you ever fall in love again, be sure that the lady is a friend....... It's quite a slow romantic ballad. That's about all I can remember. Thanks
Anyone able to help me identify this annoying rash I've got and had all day. It's mainly on my face, but now on my chest and my legs. It's red patches with a blister type lump on some of them - they...
I have just had a new gas hob fitted and it scares me to death when I switch it off. I've never had a gas cooker before so don't know what to expect. Everytime I have used the hob and turn any of the...
Does anyone have a really good curry recipe?
I don't want to use pre prepared sauces etc - just traditional (well Western'ised) ingredients / flavours.
Hot is good!
I had great sex with my guy this morning but at the 'point of no return' for me, I think I pee'd. It didn't feel like I was peeing and it wasn't through pressure.I don't suffer with bladder weakness....
I'm trying to connect my laptop to my tv. I have a Dell with a tv output which I am connecting via an adaptor and a yellow RCA type connector to my tv. I can see my desktop on my tv and can even view...
I've been taking the pill since I was 17 and following a scary moment with a blood clot in my leg, my doctor advised me not to continue with the oral pill. He has suggested having an implant under the...
I have an old song 90's goign round in my head and can't remember the name or artist. Please help. The lyrics go something like; ' now I'm afraid of the dark especially when I'm in the park' ' life,...
Is it just me or has there been a massive rise in the number of magpies you know see. They're noisey, aggresive and there's loads and loads of them EVERYWHERE. I'm currently living in Sweden and there...