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What's the appropriate time to mail out Christmas cards? Should they recieve the card just before Christmas Day or much earlier in the month?
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Have you ever been obsessed with something or someone?
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Is there skiing in america yet?
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that's it
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Blooming Xbox360's, Wife preordered me one for my birthday present way back in early august at COMET and have since had 3 phone calls from them stating my prerorder is succesful and that my ?279.99...
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Has anyone here ever used one? What did you think of it?
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If 2 IDENTICAL people (i.e. their minds as well as bodies) are presented with a scenario eg. asked to write a poem about something or solve a Rubiks Cube, would the results be exacly the same, or more...
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The Americans have just carried out the 1000th execution since 1976, should we also bring back capital punisment for killers (all murderers, not just for killing a Police Officer) Im going to stir up...
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Gary Glitter gets home to find his girlfriend packing. 'I'm leaving!' she said 'I've just found out you're a paedophile!!!' 'WOOOOOH' He said 'That's a big word for an 8 year old!' Ah thank you.
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I asked a wee while ago if anyone had seen any good films and this one was recommened, i just don't know what kind of writers have these kind of minds, i was absolutely ******** myself. did'nt like it...
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or do I give a $hit I should say. I see that Hayley* (Josh) .. posted a thread about pullin a bit of minge and cos of a bit of language .. fook .. everyone starts discussing me .. now i graciously...
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Thank you all for making me feel welcome x x x x
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My friend has thrown a fit because he didn't get a luxury item in time for his birthday. I told him to get some perspective, since there are starving people all over the world. Is he right? Should we...
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What are your favourite lyrics? These are mine. They are by Rage Against the Machine, the best band ever. Fight the war, **** the normNow I got no patienceSo sick of complacenceWith the d the e the f...
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fcuk what happens in other peoples backyards. we should get our own house in order. ya get me!!!!!!!!!!!!
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What is the best way to help starving africans this Christmas?
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Fit as fook!!!
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Do you think men notice when there backside is hanging out the back of their trousers, yuk. Do you ladies think it is sexy or just plain minging??
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People who spitpeople who ask the bleedin obvious (eg "is it raining outside" when you walk in soaking wet)people who have a go at you for doing something then do it themselvesbeing told what to...
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Username options are shrinking ;-[, and some ******* stole ronniemonda7, but I'm back! Ed has been banning me like crazy, obviously tired of getting jiggy with the monks. How's it going? How is the...

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