Stuck on last one. 23d - Read about a game one's played (5). I have S-R-D, and sarod would be one that's played - but if that is right how does it parse?
Thanks in advance for any help...
Think I'm there, but one clue still puzzles. 15a - Bar from doing otherwise (5) I-G-T must be ingot, but why? Is there an error in the clue, meant to be an anagram of "toing" rather than "doing" - or...
Found this a tricky puzzle; and stuck on last one. 17d Nothing too much inserted, snog silly old Scots relative (4-3). I have G*O*-S*N, but not confident of the O. Presumably something -son, and...
Stumped on last one. This is a name that has appeared in the "Pseudo Names" section of the Eye in the last year, containing one or more invented words; and is also an anagram of "A Royal highness ham...
Ancient city objects to be crossed (6) T_E_E_ Solution to include an unclued god.
I want to sat Thebes, with Hebe as the god(dess) - but why should ts be "objects to be crossed"?...
9d (4) Labour's leader, Miliband's debut after providing backing for Darling? I have -i-m, and I think film - if reversed, then first letters of Labour and Miliband; and Darling was a film. But it...
I think I'm there, but not sure of 12 Across in first grid. "Automatic guidelines for computer promise press centre to keep first of rules." Word cropping fits definition and grid, but what...
Any thoughts on 23 down, please? "After one, seniors start missing things growing big." A?D?R?. Possibly Alders - A + (e)lders, but then why "things growing big?"